While living in New Orleans, one thing among many, frustrated me non-stop.... one-way streets. I mean every other street was one-way. Have you ever been trying to get to a place that you can see with your eyes, but not sure which one-way road will lead you there. Well.....if not, it is frustrating.....trust me or go to New Orleans for yourself.
The same concept is true for city transformation. Most churches long to see their communities transformed, the unchurched reached, the oppressed set free and those who have been victimized through injustice, liberated through justice and righteousness. That's an easy solution for our cities right? WRONG.
Stronghold Defined: A hold that is strong. I know that is rocket science. That was deep I know. We sometimes try and super spiritualize certain concepts, such as the word stronghold. For some it carries hyper-charismatic undertones, for others it carries thoughts of darkness...and for good reason, but in reality it is no more than a hold that has been in a city for years...hence the term STRONG HOLD.
If some strongholds, such as legalism, racism, injustice, etc. have been a part of the fabric of your city for centuries.....let me let you in on a secret.....it's probably not going to be broken over night. We do have authority over darkness...don't get me wrong, however, most of us don't truly understand the concept of contending....I know I haven't undestood it, until recently.
In Greenville alone, there are over 150k people who are unchurched. Marketing strategies, direct mail and excellence are all ways to make a ripple in this population and draw them to our churches, however there is no substitute for violent intercession on behalf of the hearts in our city.
Will you wrestle, contend, weep, fast and not let go of God until He blesses your city? It's not an individual effort, a cutting egde church vs. the plateaued church issue....it's a Kingdom thing.....and we must fight. We can see the end in sight, but we must contend.
My expectations for this Easter and what the Lord wants to do in our city is literally keeping me up at night.
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