Proverbs 25:2 states, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, to search out a matter is the glory of kings."
Was talking to Jay today about what he's doing in Columbia with Missional Communities. It just reminded me about what God is doing today in the Body of Christ. I think he has hidden pearls in our cities that are waiting to be found by those who will search Him. Also met with Chris Surratt today for lunch (awesome guy) who is doing some amazing things to advance the Kingdom in our city. SeaCoast's vision to reach the city and offer hope to orphans, widows and those in need is amazing. I also believe in what
Ben said about c
ultivating the soil of a city. I believe that we are starting to see the pearls unearthed as we plow through the fallow ground of our cities.
What a great day to be alive and to be partnered with a bunch of treasure hunters!
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